Welcome to the bank of conversation starters!

This is a resource page to help you craft conversations that create deeper connection. Let me know any feedback or send in your favourites questions and tips!

  • What have you been curious about lately?

  • How do you balance our need for resources and protecting the environment?

  • If you could wave a magic wand and change one thing in the world what would it be?

✺ Helpful tips for navigating conversations ✺

  • Simple answer - just ask! For example you might say, “Hey before we get into it, can we quickly discuss how we want to treat each other trough this chat?” or “hey what kinda tone do y’all want this to have?” or “is anyone worried about anything that might come up in how we respond to and respect one another? Let’s discuss it and make a plan for how we navigate any potential sticky situations.

  • It can be hard to know what words to use, especially aroudn topics that are sensitive or we don’t understand. Firstly, a reminder that people receive your good intentions. Next, a phrase I often use is “extend me some grace”. This could sound like “I’d like to ask something, but I don’t quite know what words to use. Can you extend me some grace as I muddy through this?”

  • Conversations are an energy exchange so we want to bring our best possible energy to these situations. If my energy is low, I use a couple of tactics that work for me and you should experiment to see what works for you! For me, moving my body like stretching or going for a walk, listening to certain music, or even making sure I’m hydrated and not hungry. One thing I found that doesn’t help my energy for conversations? Coffee. Makes me too jittery to focus and be with the person.