Acknowledge This! is a 2 hr workshop that empowers people to give an authentic Acknowledgement of Country.
Today, many organisations, businesses and schools are implementing Acknowledgements of Country - and not many people know why. Most people presenting an AoC read off a script, ad lib one they’ve heard, or worst case scenario treat it as part of housekeeping. This token nature of presentation defeats the purpose of what AoC’s are meant to represent in the first place.
Rhys and Emma teach how to give a meaningful Acknowledgement of Country without fear.
Together we cover the first steps on how to create a genuine and authentic Acknowledgement about the place, people and position you’re in, how to articulate it (the words) and how to mean it (make it personal to you and your organisation).
The outcomes of the training are:
Understand what is an Acknowledgement of Country
Understand the purpose of each part of an Acknowledgement of Country
Develop a personalised Acknowledgement of Country format to adapt for any gatherings where you want to acknowledge our shared history.